Treatment for Eating Disorders and Body Image Distress
How often have friends or family made comments like “Just eat a hamburger” or “Stop eating when you’re full.” If only it were that simple.
The power of eating disorders lies in the power of symbolism. Food takes on complex meaning as physical nourishment blends with emotional nurturance. Whether restricting, binging, or purging, recovering from an eating disorder requires developing a new relationship with what it means to connect with our needs and nurture the self.
In a culture where self-control is conflated with self-denial, we are steeped in messages that moralize food, exercise, and our bodies as “good or bad.” It’s no wonder that over 30 million Americans— men and women— suffer from an eating disorder. At Nurtured Self Counseling, we will work to understand the function of your behavior, validate the needs underneath, and explore new ways to get those needs met. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.